Friday 31 December 2021

Celebrating New Years


For this this task we had to answer the questions on the slides it was fun.


  1. Kia ora Helena,

    It’s great to see that you enjoyed this activity! Well done finding some great facts about new years celebrations around the world.

    Did you enjoy learning about the different new years traditions in other countries and cultures? Which celebration was your favourite or the most interesting?

    What do you and your whanau do for new years?

    Keep up the awesome mahi.

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Hi Lauren, Happy New Year, South Korea is really interesting. My New Year Celebration is going to church in the evening. The celebration starts with singing some hymns then a short video of all celebration that took place during the year (wedding / engagement/ baptism). Finally a short mass to end the last few hours of the year.

    2. Kia ora Helena,

      I agree South Korea's celebrations do sound very interesting! It sounds like a very traditional and special way to spend time with your family.

      Your whanaus new years also sounds very special, reflecting on things that have happened in the past year is a wonderful way to finish a year off!

      I hope you're having a wonderful summer.

      Ngā mihi,
