Monday 24 June 2019

The animal in me

                                               The animal in me

There is a wild animal inside me it growls and howls at the door of my stomach.
It growls when it is angry it kills it’s predators when it is hungry. It tries to scratch the wall of my stomach.It keeps trying to catch their predators. When i am alone the animal inside me will be sad and sad. When i am with my friends it tries to attack them. I am an animal that kills. It is like a boxer fighting to get out. It bites and it is good at killing. It’s body is strong. It’s are round and black.

It just won't leave me alone will i ever be free of this animal in me?   

Friday 21 June 2019



Did you know that in your tongue there is something called  papillae?

Facts: Did you know that adults have approximately 5,000 Papillae

and kids have about 10,000

The more  Papillae
you have the better you can taste so that means kids
taste much better than adults.

When you have a cold you can’t taste any flavour from the food.

In your tongue there is something called a   Papillae
and on the  Papillae there is something called  microvilli
 a microvilli is bits of hairs on your  Papillae.         

When you have a cold and you eat something you can’t taste it or
smell it you can’t smell it because the nose blocks the sense of
smell so you can’t smell.

Image result for tongue cartoon

Taste Diagram

Friday 14 June 2019
