Tuesday 31 December 2019

I Have a Dream

One day when Rosa was going home after work, she took the bus and sat in the front of the bus. Seats at the front of buses were reserved for white passengers, and the seats at the back for black passengers. A white man boarded, the driver told the African American passengers to give up their seats for him. Whilst the other black passengers obeyed, Rosa did not. The result? Rosa was arrested by the police and fined for breaking segregation laws! But Rosa refused to pay, and argued that it was the law that was wrong, not her behaviour.

School Strike for Climate

Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing the world
and it isn’t being addressed quickly enough.

Climate change is a crisis and our planet earth is precious and
can’t be replaced.  

Australia is already a hot and dry country and it’s expected to
generally get hotter and drier without action on climate change.

In January 2018, temperatures in Sydney soared to over 47°C 
(47 degrees Celsius). It was the hottest day the city had seen in 
nearly 80 years.

A Long Walk to Freedom

A Long Walk to Freedom 

Mandela’s cell, a 7-by-9-foot room (2.1 m by 2.7 m), he could walk the length
of his  cell in three paces. When he laid down, he could feel the wall with his
feet and his head grazed the concrete at the other side. The iron bucket that served as a toilet and the thin blankets served as bed. He was allowed one
visitor a year for 30 minutes. He could write and receive one letter every six months. He was not even allowed to attend the funerals of his mother and his son.

Monday 30 December 2019

Letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

Dear Prime Minister. 

As a start I would like to thank you for the great things you’ve been doing to our
country. I am writing to you to express my thoughts about the low decile school and students. Most of the kids come to school without having breakfast and most
times without lunch as well. Some schools provide breakfast club for free with the
help of parents volunteer. In my opinion I think all low decile schools should have
a free lunch so the student can learn and achieve. You simply can’t learn when
you’re distracted by an empty stomach. Therefore you will be way behind in your
learning. We need to ensure children are fed and have the best chance to
succeed. The free school lunches will give better support for children and young
people. Regular nutritious meals give children the energy, focus and
concentration they need to learn and develop.

Kind Regards
Helena Iskander

Rights and Wrongs

How many years until I am 25?

I’m 9 years old

25 - 9=  16

Playing favourites

My 3 favourite things to do are:

1- Riding my Scooter on the footpath in front of our house.  

2- I enjoy attending the cooking club in the library, it’s once a month.

3-  I enjoy gardening with mum.

Friday 27 December 2019

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Paris Poster

What's In a Name?

I would change my name from Helena to Étoile 
Because Étoile means star in French, my daddy was going to call me Étoile but
my mum called me Helena after Queen Helena. I like both names as I’m the first grandchild in both families so I get a Royal treatment and they always say
I’m bright like a star.

Serena Williams

Tuesday 24 December 2019

My Dream Job Becoming a Police Officer.

Interveiw with LeBron James

A Brave Thing

Space Poem

There men on the moon once
They travelled through space            
And found that the moon  
Was a dry dusty space.

They collected some moon rocks
And had to look around
They left lots of footprints 
There on the ground.

They couldn’t stay long
As the moon has no air
But the footprints they left
In the dust are still there.

Jean Batten vs. Amelia Earhart

Sunday 22 December 2019

Friday 20 December 2019

Christmas Poem

I’ve been waiting for Christmas,
And it’s almost here.
I’ve been waiting for Christmas,
Santa’s getting near.
Can’t you hear the sleigh bells ringing?
Reindeer up so high.
Can’t you hear the children singing,
As they watch the sky?


The Story of Jesus Birth

A long time ago, in the town of Nazareth, lived a young woman named Mary. 
Mary loved God very much, she was engaged to be married to Joseph,
who was a carpenter. One day an angel suddenly appeared to Mary and told her
that she was favored by God. The angel told her that she will have a baby boy,
and have to give him the name Jesus."

Mary was confused; she was not yet married to Joseph, so how could she have a baby? 
The angel thought that this might concern Mary so he said,
"The Holy Spirit will perform a miracle, and because of this your baby will be
called the Son of God."

Soon after, Joseph found out that Mary was going to have a baby.  Joseph was confused
and upset by this, but an angel came to him in a dream and said, "Joseph do not be afraid
to take Mary as your wife.  The child Mary is going to have is God's son, and you are to
give him the name Jesus."

Mary and Joseph had a baby!  But this wasn't just any baby, he was Baby Jesus! 
The creator of the whole world, the King of Kings, and the one who would save the world.
The little baby boy fell asleep in Mary's arms. She wrapped him in cloths and laid him
in a manger on some clean straw. After Jesus’ birth, Wise men from the east came to Jerusalem.
The Wise saw the child with his mother Mary. They bowed down they opened their treasures.
They gave him gold, incense and myrrh.

The gift of gold represented Jesus as a king with an everlasting throne.

The gift of frankincense is said to have been an acknowledgement of
Jesus’ priesthood, setting him apart from a typical king.
The gift of myrrh is symbolize bitterness, suffering it represent his suffering in Crucifixion.

Monday 16 December 2019

2019 in Hindsight

5 things I am thankful for

1. I am thankful for my loving, caring family.

2. I am thankful for my teacher.

3. I am thankful for being in this world.

4. I am thankful for my grandpa.

5.I am thankful for everything.

Image result for thankfulImage result for thankful

2019 In Hindsight

What  I am proud of !

1. Moving levels up in reading writing and  maths. 

2. Coming to school everyday and learning new things.

3. Achieving my goals.

4. Getting good reports.

5. Being proud of who I am and where I came from.

Image result for children cartoon 

Friday 13 December 2019

Christmas Card


On Friday December 13th i made a card for christmas i painted it and put glitter in it.

Making a Muffin or Cookie

On Friday 13th of December room 10 had a choice of making a muffin or a
cookie but first we got into groups of four i was with Wint, Felecia and Cyrus
we decided we were going to make a muffin. Our goal was to make the muffin
without any mistakes.

The ingredients is :

2 Cups of flour
1/4 cup sugar
3 teaspoons of baking powder
½ teaspoons of salt
1 cup of milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 egg


 1.Grab 2 cups of flour and pour it in a bowl.

2. Get ¼ of sugar and add it to to the flour.

3. Add 3 teaspoons of baking powder to the flour and sugar mixture.

4. Add ½ teaspoons of salt to the above mixture.

5 Add 1 cup of milk and pour it in the bowl with the flour, sugar mixture.

6. Add ¼ cup of vegetable oil and put it in the bowl that had the flour
in it.

7. Put 1 egg in the same ball you put vegetable oil in.

After you mix everything in same bowl, make sure you preheat that oven
240 degrees then put the cookies in the oven for 15-20 minutes to bake.

Thursday 12 December 2019

If i was a principle for 1 week

If I was principal for 1 week I will train the teachers to think of the children as
their own and teach them new things to level up. I will make the teachers the
best friends every student should have.      
I will give more opportunities to students in general and helping them achieve
their goals. 

If the teachers don’t do well in teaching I would help them do better. I will make
the student achieve their  goals through fun learning.