Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Lockdown #2

Lately it’s been crazy, life was quite normal and suddenly in a few days it turned 180 degrees after we were free for 102 days from any new cases of Covid-19, Auckland is back to lockdown again.

Due to the fast spread of the virus the Prime Minister decided to go for a lockdown. That means no school, no going to the mall or even the playground, basically stuck at home.

My sister’s birthday is in September, like many kids, she’s looking forward to her party all year long, but I have no idea if having a celebration for her this year will be possible in a COVID-19 world.

In this pandemic, it’s almost as if we’re living in a state of suspended animation. Life under lockdown can feel like being adrift on the Atlantic: we’re desperate for any sign of land, yet nothing but uncertainty.

In this lost-at-sea moment, many of us are clinging to the hope of returning to our previous lives. Although going forward will (and must) change, for the most part, we’re all waiting for the world to again resemble the one we knew only a few months ago.

As the wait continues, so does our anxiety. As if we’re sailing into a storm, we close our eyes and hope it’ll all be over soon. The trouble is, none of us know when this voyage will end.

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