Thursday, 2 April 2020

If there was 8 more kids in the family

If there were 8 more kids in my family I would hate it, because we will be fighting over the Remote for the TV and which room we will be in. I think it’ll be hard to get along with each other as I already find it hard sometimes to deal with my only sister. We’ll need a van, maybe a bus so mum or dad can take us to school. I can’t imagine how long it will take mum to prepare 8 more lunch boxes or get them dressed in time for school. We would be fighting in what sport to play outside  or which movie or cartoon to watch. I think having one sister in my case is just as good as it gets.

The beginning of the end of black and white television - National ...

1 comment:

  1. I have x2 siblings Helena (both brothers) and I think thats enough too! Imagine having to wait to get in the bathroom with at least 8 (or possibly 10) people in front on you...!! Great piece of writing, well done. Enjoy time with your sister!
