Tuesday, 21 July 2020

How do bees make Honey?

                    How do bees make Honey?

 To make honey the worker bee sucks up nectar from the flower and stores it in it’s honey stomach once the worker bee returns to the hive the bee vomits the nectar into a processor honey bees mouth.

In the processor bees mouth and stomach,an enzyme called invertase the invertase is added to the nectar. Invertase breaks some of the nectar into simple sugars like glucose and fructose.

Then it vomits the partially converted nectar into another processor bees mouth who also adds more invertase helping to break down nectar.

This process goes on until most of the nectar is converted into simple sugars.Then the mixture of simple sugars is stored in the honeycomb at this point the mixture is still watery.

 Hence the bees flap their wings which evaporates water and thickness the mixture to eventually form the honey the honey is now made. 

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